1) As long as someone is consuming Buffalo milk, don't think anything about A1 or A2. Buffalo milk has A2 nature for all breeds. There is nothing like A1 Buffaloes. So, if you are from Telugu states one need not worry about milk as people here consume Buffalo milk.
2) Cow Milk has A1 and A2 variants. But most of our Cows are desi breeds. If you are a Cow milk consumer, then better to choose A2 variants.
Ghee comparision
Ghee contains less than 1% fat. So, there is no real value for A2 Cow Ghee over A1 Cow Ghee. Again, if you are Buffalo Ghee consumer, then there is no need to think about A1 vs A2.
So, do not invest your money in so called A2 Cow Ghee. It is just a marketing hype created by some dairy farms.
Why Cow Ghee is yellow in colour and Buffalo Ghee is white?
Cow Ghee is yellowish in colour because of presence of beta-carotene. So, is there no beta-carotene in Buffalo Ghee?
Beta-carotene is a precursor of Vitamin A. This beta-carotene when consumed by us, our bodies will convert it into Vitamin A. Whereas in Buffalo Ghee, beta-carotene is already converted into Vitamin A. So, the final Vitamin A value is same for Buffalo Ghee and Cow Ghee.