
NDTV - Deteriorating Standards

NDTV is a brand which changed News broadcasting in India. Off late, its brand value has been getting deteriorated gradually. Its editor Barkha's association with power brokers like Nira Radia shows the standards of the channel. In Andhra, T S Sudhir, who when worked with NDTV was totally biased towards Y S Jagan. He is very close to Y S Jagan and often visits latter’s home. Lately, NDTV is looking over the EDITORIAL BOARD of Sakshi TV as part of a business deal. Everyone knows that there is no Editorial Policy for Sakshi group except for the self-exaggeration of its owner Y S Jagan. So, what are the business interests of NDTV with Sakshi TV which is established with illegal money? Is that a good journalism standard? Only T S Sudhir can answer.

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