
Social Service is a not a fashion, dude!

You come across people who campaigns for SAVE THE TIGER.
People who ‘teaches’ you Traffic Rules.
People who asks you to follow ‘Earth Hour’.
People who campaigns for ‘Green Peace’
People who volunteers to teach the children in Slums.

What I observe among this section of people is…they are not really serious about the Social Service. It is kinda ‘cool’ thing for them. It makes them ‘cool’ among their peers.

Practically speaking, why do we people in India should follow Earth Hour? Our country-side still lingers in darkness for more than 12 hours a day.
And why should you go out and teach the kids in slums? If you are really serious about the education for poor, take steps to revive the Government Schools. And it is also so simple task. Just pick 200 to 300 employees and ask them adopt a government school and make them join their kids in Government Schools. And you demand the proper teaching and attendance from the teachers. This way, the standards in Government Schools will go up. The system of Kendriya Vidyalayas are already a proven example of this. There the kids comes from families with good background of Education and parents stress for good education and more often interact with the teachers.

Ironically, the so called activists enroll their kids in good Private Schools and the preaches about the Social Service.
How can there be Social Service without a Sacrifice?

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