
YSRCP's Negative Politics vs Pwan Kalyan's Positive Politics

YSRCP called for Andhra Pradesh bandh on August 29th. This comes when there are some reports of people committing suicide on no Special Status to the state. As a responsible opposition YSRCP should have appeal to the people to not get emotional just like what Pawan Kalyan is doing. Instead of  that YSRCP is playing a negative politics.

Couple of weeks ago, they politicised the land-pooling done in the capital region. YSRCP went on to say that if it comes to power, they will return the lands back to the people. They should understand that 90% of the people volunteered to give the lands to the government and the land is not acquired by the government. When majority people are volunteering to give the lands YSRCP took the minority people's, who don't want to give lands,  opinion as the opinion of the all the people and took the stance of anti-Capital Construction Instead, it should have fought for the minority group of people and try to get more compensation from the government. Is this not the negative politics? Compare this with what Pawan Kalyan has done. He supported the land-pooling and fought against land acquisition. He appealed to the government to have a discussion with non-willing farmers and make them agree. After this, 300 acres of land is given as part of land-pooling. This is the way politics should be done - for the interest of the people not for the interest of the party. When that is done, people will lap the leaders. If politics are done YSRCP way, people will keep them at a distance.

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