
The Pipe politics

Andhra Pradesh politics have taken a interesting turn because of a small pipe which has created a lot of flutter. The issue of water getting into a building is a small issue. Even many Corporate houses and top architectural designed buildings face it in Monsoons. But the way the opposition YSRCP reacted to it as if the whole capital is in danger is avoidable. With the help of its own media and other supporting media houses, YSRCP has started a massive attack on the ruling government by portraying the issue big.

As in any case, they got their due in the form of massive counter attack. Government quickly ordered a CID enquiry and showed to the world that it is just an issue with a pipe and the pipe cut has been attributed to a conspiracy, which is yet to be proved.

The media has given a lot of undue attention to Amaravati issue and ignored the real issue of Hyderabad getting into trouble because of rains. Media tried to play to their 'real' bosses dictat in deciding the priorities.

YSRCP should concentrate on real issues and win people's heart. By resorting to such lame games, it is going to dig its own grave.

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