
A stupid column by Chetan Bhagat

When you are a columnist on contract with a leading newspaper and you don't' have an idea of what to write simply run a poll on Facebook and write an analysis on the result of it. Simple!!! Isn't it? May be that sounds simple but that is a stupid way of filling the columns in the newspapers.

Chetan Bhagat, famous writer and also a columnist in Times of India ran poll in Facebook asking Netizens to vote for their choice of next PM. His options are Rahul Gandhi, Narendra Modi and None of the above. And he filled up the column analysing the two Personalities along with the poll results. Surely he is inclined towards Narendra Modi, going by his tweets and his past columns and he repeated the same in the latest column also. While it is no wrong on being bias towards your choice of leaders, it is idiotic to take up the poll results on Facebook as precedence. Let us hope, the inspirational writer comes up with Columns he is best at and which are close to his motto - 'Entertain and Change'

1 comment:

  1. hi,
    i have penned a piece of advise for chetan bhagat.
    he must punch into google search PERCEPTION AND RELATIVITY- VADAKAYIL
    capt ajit vadakayil


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